Memories can also be added and removed as we learn that Duncan’s childhood memories of certain events were taken out and hidden in the grounds of Keyhouse. Tyler puts a textbook into his mind to learn more about England to impress Jackie while Kinsey removes her fear monster. For example, Kinsey’s is a shopping mall and her memories are candy in a candy shop. In the series, the mind becomes a physical building to explore. In the comic books, the top of the person’s head is removed to reveal a menagerie of memories as well as the personification of a person’s emotions.
#Mind lock and key free
This happens by inserting it into the back of a person’s neck which renders them paralysed while a second version of themselves is free to roam around. The Head Key opens up the mind of the person to be explored. In season two, we’ll probably see how ghosts can also inhabit bodies that are not their own. As a ghost, you are able to interact with the spirits that remain on the property too, as we see Bode speaking to one of his dead relatives in the family cemetery on the grounds. Your dead body is left behind and your ghost can only return it by going back through the same door. Bode finds it and uses it by inserting it into a certain door that turns you into a ghost when you walk through it. The Ghost Key allows the user to separate their spirit from their body and fly around the grounds of Keyhouse. Mark, one of Rendell’s school friends, commits suicide in the first episode by stabbing himself in the heart with the key and later Bode uses it to disintegrate a shadow demon. They can do this striking it against an object, like a flame, but can also make a being combust by stabbing it into them. This is a new key that didn’t appear in the comic books and it allows the carrier to create fire. Lucas is also able to change into another person and we learn that he has been masquerading as new kid Gabe the whole time.

The demonic echo of Lucas uses it to change into a female version of himself (Dodge/”Well Lady”) and later in the season uses the key to make Ellie look like that woman, too. When inserted under the chin of a person, the holder can change their features into any human they can imagine.
#Mind lock and key skin
This key seems to be an amalgamation of the Gender Key and the Skin Key from the comic books.