Even better, it isn't uncommon to walk into a room and have four or more of them pop up and mow you down with lasers. Sure, they die quickly if you attack their legs, but the hitboxes for those are kinda iffy and you'll more often than not hit their Nigh-Invulnerable bodies instead if you don't crouch and position yourself correctly.
The Crystal Crabs have a nasty hitscan laser attack with ridiculously good tracking, making dodging it without taking cover a matter of luck more than anything else. Demonic Spiders: "Beneath" added some tough new enemies to assert its credentials as the Nintendo Hard experience a Rogue Like needs to be. It is possible to dodge bullets past a certain range by strafing since bullets in this game are a fair bit slower than in most shooters and enemies don't lead their shots, which would be great if not for the fact that you're up against dozens of trigger-happy jerks in very tight quarters where you can't dodge their gunfire. The only safe-ish way to clear (or rather, survive) the "Hard Shooter" modifier is to take refuge in a back room and blast enemies in the face when they crest the doorway, peeking out only to grab a fresh gun. This may change with the addition of multiplayer to "Beneath", as classes that are better suited to support like the Vanguard become viable with a tanky Brawler/Mauler taking and giving the brunt of the damage. While the other classes may move faster and offer some cool and interesting powers, they're also at a high risk of getting one-shotted by enemies like the Crystal Crab. Many players only play as the Brawler in Beneath, chiefly because of the class's larger starting health pool and damage. Swatting away Pursuers with the special weapons in Blood and Fire is immensely satisfying. Catharsis Factor: Basically the selling point of the game. #Paint the town red music update
The January 2020 update tries to placate both camps the Pursuer is no longer guaranteed to spawn, and you'll be warned at the start of the level if it will.Broken Base: Some fans hate the inclusion of the Pursuer for limiting exploration by effectively forcing a time limit on every level, while others appreciate it for creating tension and encouraging speedy gameplay.
The Final Boss theme in Beneath perfectly embodies the feeling of an epic showdown in an infernal arena.